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Showing posts from August, 2018

To Honor the Experience of Yahweh

I bet you thought I forgot about this blog. If you've been following my poetry blog, you'll notice that I'm not dead, so hopefully no one was worried about that. I haven't forgotten about this blog, either. I've just been going through things too deep and too powerful--too majestic and life-altering--for words. In fact, I've been experiencing things no other human has experienced before, at least not in any way I've heard or read about, and I have become something more that I ever dreamed. One of the reasons I haven't written about this on my blog is because the world at large is not in a position to understand it. Some of the people I've told think I'm crazy or heretical. Others have been lifelines as they help me navigate the massive changes. So instead of telling the world at large what I've been experiencing, I'll tell you some things that I hope will help open the mind to accept experiences that are vastly different than your o