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Showing posts from March, 2019

Multiversal Choices

Your best friend in the whole world, a guy you've grown up with and known since kindergarten, has decided to take up smoking (or drinking, drugs, unprotected promiscuity... insert reckless lifestyle here). You first notice him lighting up at a party, and you're shocked to realize that he has made such a choice. You know he's heard all the stories about how bad smoking is for you because you sat next to him at all the tobacco free assemblies at school, and you helped him to his seat after he looked a little green when watching the teacher in health class do the "how smoking affects the lungs" presentation using real pig lungs and cigarettes. Yet, here he is, a person you love and care about and want to see prosper, making an obviously unhealthy choice. What do you do now? This conundrum is faced on a daily basis by people who see others follow paths that lead to destruction. The question is answered in many ways. (This is not an exhaustive list.) Option 1: