"Love is the answer." People have been saying this forever, and yet I don't think it's quite understood. Humanity has separated itself into two overarching categories: good and evil. Each individual human has been told they have a "good self" and a "bad self." Whether it's Christians saying they have an Adamic nature that needs to be saved and a Christian nature that is due to the blood of the Lamb or it's the Native American proverb about the two wolves inside of you fighting for dominance, most cultures have a concept of good and evil, right and wrong. This separated interpretation of the world leads us to cut ourselves in two. I am "good" when I help others, have enough faith, intercede regularly, eat kale, etc. I am "bad" when I choose my own comfort over that of another, eat hamburgers, or even do drugs or hurt someone deliberately. My actions shift constantly and so my two natures must be warring within me. N...
Walk upon a higher path, Listen to a higher Way Don’t be distracted by the task Abandon what you use to think ~From "Promise Keeper" by Cassondra E. Beers