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The Seven Circles of Katalambano

Katalambano is a Greek word, which I found in my Bible and which you can examine more here.

Of course, Yahweh is all that there is, so some of the idea of overcoming needs to be rethought. What are we overcoming? We overcome the questioning (mentioned in the blog post "The Trinity of Faith") and answer yes and amen to Yahweh.

Katalambano means two important things to me. Besides "overcome," it is also used to mean "lay hold of" or "attain." It is the word used in Philippians 3:12 when it talks about pressing on to "lay hold of" that for which Christ Yahshua "laid hold of" me. It is also used in John 1:5 where it talks about the light shining in the darkness and the darkness did not "overcome," or in some versions "comprehend" it.

It is through katalambano that we grow our Promise, attain a new portion of it, complete our creation. Everything that exists is 3, 7, and 12, so you might call this the seven-realm view of the Trinity of Faith. Indeed, I call it the Seven Circles of Katalambano, but I have also called it the Seven Circles of Faith.

But before I can explain this entirely, we must talk about the Veil. There is always a Veil between you and your next point of faith. This Veil is not evil. It is a necessary part of creation. Firstly, you cannot endure questioning without it. Secondly, in eternity something is always or never. In order to create, Yahweh had to hide part of Himself from Himself so that He would have a place to make something new. As a partner with Him, as created creator, things must also be hidden from us. This only poses a problem when we start imagining that which could never be as existing beyond the Veil.

The Veil is Yahshua. Some of you might argue with me that the Veil was torn in two from top to bottom when Yahshua accomplished His mission on the cross. This is true, but that was only the Veil that hid our union with Yahweh from us. There are other Veils and there always will be if we are to keep increasing. Yet, this need not be a painful thing if we katalambano/overcome the Veil with Yahshua in faith.

The Veil separates us from our next point of faith. For clarity's sake, I will refer to our starting point as Point A and our next point of faith as Point B.

Point A and Point B are separated by the Veil. We are called to go to Point B so that we can grow, increase, and create. How do we get there? We cannot go in a straight line through the Veil as this would not link the points in full unity. Instead, we must go through the Veil in a circle.

Part of the reason for this is that, by going in a circle, we endure the Veil twice. This is important for some reason as all that is created must be established by "two or three witnesses" and the Oath of Confirmation, which ends all dispute (Hebrews 6:16).

Actually, though, we endure the Veil fourteen times because in order to truly complete the unity of these points and the growth of creation, we must go around the circle Seven times. Seven, the number of Oath and agreement, the number of completion and Promise. However, to completely attain the Promise, we must go around the circle seven times in faith.

If we go around the circle six and a half times and then stop having faith, we will not attain the Promise until we pick up faith again and complete the circle. Dropping faith in the middle of the process is called abortion. Don't worry, you can always pick faith back up and continue the process. However, this explains why we can seem to go around the circle fifteen or twenty times before we see our Promise. Yes, we may have gone around the circle twenty times, but only seven of them were in faith.

Each time you go around the circle in faith, you get a little more revelation--a little more Reality--about your Promise. What can seem like a "suddenly" moment also took this entire process of faith. Looking back, I can see this in my own life as I overcame various questions. Sometimes you don't see much happening as you go around the circles. Sometimes you might receive more clarity or revelation about your Word. Sometimes you might even receive something tangible. Whatever happens, you must keep going.

This is illustrated in the story of Jericho when Yahweh asked the Israelites to march around the walled city seven times to overcome it. The Israelites were not allowed to talk during this process, and one reason I believe that is is because if they started supposing and imagining vain things aloud to each other, they would have caused the army to drop faith. As it was, they circled the city seven times on the seventh day and they shouted in faith. The frequency of faith heard in their shout after they had fully completed the Seven Circles of Katalambano caused it to be manifest in the physical as the walls (Veil) fell and they attained their Promise.

Once we have completed the Seven Circles of Katalambano, we bring Point A and Point B together as One. We have created a new thing, increased our revelation of Yahweh beyond the Veil, and grown the Kingdom.

Katalambano... if you haven't seen your Promise yet, just keep going. Perhaps you're only one circle away.


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