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Yahweh is All That There Is

One of the earliest lessons in any child's life is the ability to discern reality from make-believe. I remember these lessons well, for I loved television and stories of all forms even at a very young age. I recall being told that monsters were not real, and so I never feared them. However, my mother, being unable to lie to me, could not convince me that tigers and panthers as in "The Jungle Book" were not real, and I spent many nights crying because I thought they were going to climb into my window and eat me while I slept. (I had no concept of geography or indigenous species at the time.)

I never feared monsters because I knew they were not real. Tigers are real, and so they are able to be feared. Likewise, my little five-year-old self knew that kidnappers were scary and real, but nothing lived in my closet. Fears developed around this awareness of reality. Some were kept at bay and some were strengthened and enhanced based on what I learned of the world as I grew. By the time I was twelve, I knew it was unlikely that someone would climb into my second-story bedroom window while I slept, and yet I learned in history about the atomic bomb, which brought new fears to mind.

Yet, what if what we learned as children is wrong? What if the things we were taught were real were really a mixture of make-believe and Reality? The make-believe was strong, to be sure, one that felt quite real to our senses, but make-believe nonetheless.

Recently, Yahweh (God) has begun to show me that Reality can only ever be based in Him. Knowing what I know about Yahweh and allowing Him to increase and expand that knowledge of Him, I must then be aware of the fact that some of what I see, experience, or otherwise learn about must not be true.

In other words, I can either let my senses and experiences define Reality, or I can let the Word of Yahweh define Reality.

This changes everything. The entire way I view the world is different, and I've had to be willing to let go of everything I ever thought was true, to let Holy Spirit tear down old paradigms and rebuild them in the way that He sees the world. These are my true Realities, this is Him.

I do not say this lightly. Even now I am surrounded by and am feeling things that seem so real to me, and yet I choose to know that they are not. My very soul was tormented for years by the thoughts of impossible things, so much so that I considered taking my own life, and yet I know now that this could never have been. Reality and make-believe have warred within my own being, and only through faith am I able to overcome that which could never be.

This journey is impossible without Holy Spirit, for everything I knew from childhood was a mixture of Reality and make-believe. Yahweh is Love, so love is Real, but there is no such thing as hate. I know, as soon as you read that your mind pulled up some example of hatred that you either experienced in the past or heard about from a friend or read about in a history book or even felt in your own heart. You must remember that experiences and senses do not define Reality. Yahweh does. Is He hatred? No. Does He create hatred? No. Thus there must be no hatred.

If you are not sure if Yahweh is hateful or not, this is the time when you must get to know Him more. He is Reality, and if you want to know Reality, you must know Him. I know there are verses in the Old Testament that portray a vengeful and destructive God if you read them with certain filters. I am not going to debate them. I will only say that you cannot read Scripture without Holy Spirit and expect to get to know Yahweh in that way. To do so brings a partial revelation, and a partial revelation is a mixture of Reality and make-believe, which I shall hereafter refer to as Illusion.

We live on the line between Reality and Illusion, but one of the gifts of Holy Spirit is discernment. We can judge righteous judgement, or separate Reality and Illusion and choose Reality.

This is not a journey for the faint of heart. Before reading further, please ask Holy Spirit to strengthen your heart and help you judge righteously. I am not saying I have it all figured out. I am on this journey, too. I am also not saying you should take my word for it. Remember, His Word defines Reality, not mine. Yet, I am confident that if you will read this blog with the help of Holy Spirit, He will help you discern Reality from Illusion.

It's really much more exciting than the world we thought we knew.


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