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Faith as Small as a Mustard Seed

Yahweh is all that there is. Thus, He is Reality. Anything that is contrary to Him or His Nature can never be, whether or not we seem to experience it.

Then why do we experience it? I have been asking this question for seven months, now, and I have various answers that I will not go into here. The short answer is: we don't. That's why I call it an illusion. It seems Real, but it isn't.

The longer answer is, in the course of linear, circular, and spiracular time, we find ourselves in the process of creation. Until we pass through the Questioning Plane and Joining Plane, we do not have our Reality in a fixed form. We are able, then, to contemplate illusion--that which could never be. In this case, we can see the atoms and molecules of existence arranged in a form that is not Reality and we can think we are experiencing this, even though in the Unity of All Things view of time, when all things are One in Yahweh, this is impossible.

Atoms and molecules are held in place by a force. Science will call these forces electromagnetism or gravity. I call this force faith. Faith is the substance of things hoped for. It holds the molecules of existence together in a shape and form so that it can be experienced. In order for you not to experience illusion, you must have faith that is stronger than the illusion.

But the illusion never is. So you must have faith that is stronger than...nothing.

And that's why faith as small as a mustard seed can literally move mountains. Not only can it move them into the sea, but it can turn them back into the dust from which they were formed, the molecules that were never in that shape to begin with.

As we resonate with the heartbeat of Yahweh, our very being vibrates with His Faith and the molecules and atoms that Yahweh has given to us to govern will naturally be arranged in right order--in Reality--and we shall see illusion for what it is... nothing.

Do you have faith that is stronger than nothing?


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