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Rocks vs. Sand: Discerning Reality from Illusion

I keep saying that Yahweh is all that there is and that anything that isn't of Him isn't Real. You may well wonder, as I did, why we keep seeing things that aren't Real. Sickness, death, poverty, sadness... none of these are in line with Yahweh's order or character, so why do we perceive them?

Some might say that we live in a fallen world, but did not Yahshua finish everything on the cross? (John 19:30). If we are to believe Him that it truly is finished, then we can return to His Reality right now. We do not have to wait until we die to go to Heaven. Indeed, we do not even have to die. (1 Corinthians 15:51, John 8:51, John 3:16, etc.) 

If you just looked up those verses and rationalized away that they are talking about not dying after you die and go to Heaven (does that really make sense, though?), ask Holy Spirit to show you His Reality and judge it for yourself. I, personally, cannot now understand why Yahshua would say that anyone who keeps His Word would never see death (John 8:51) if He meant something else. He did not say, "Anyone who keeps my Word will see death and then be resurrected to a greater, endless life afterwards," which is how those verses are interpreted. Neither does John 3:16 say that we shall have eternal life after dying. Indeed, it says shall not perish. 

I have come to the place where I can see His Reality, and so I have been confused by the illusion. Why do people seem to die all around us? Why does my head think it's aching right now? Why do we see so many people living in sickness and poverty? 

Obviously they are living in something that is not ordained by Yahweh. If it is not of Yahweh, it cannot be, so how is it we perceive it?

Let's go back to the illustration of the sand and the rock. Specifically, let's look at castles. 

There are still, today, castles standing that were built thousands of years ago. Hewn out of the toughest rock, these castles were made as fortresses to withstand invasions of enemy forces, holding inside of them enough provision for the castle residents and often villagers who would come and camp out within the castle walls in the event of a war. These rocks were put together by skilled craftsman, every part in its place, and they have stood the test of time. 

Then the are sandcastles. If you have ever seen a sandcastle competition, you know that people can work very hard to build large and elaborate constructions that can appear almost real. In fact, in the Netherlands there is a sand castle hotel (really made of sand) in which people can stay!

What's the difference between a castle built of sand and a castle built of rock? Clearly one is more stable, more lasting, more... Real. Yet, if we see them, they can both appear to be the same. (Seriously, look up that sandcastle hotel. It looks like it's made of rock.)

It is for this reason that some of the things that we see are illusion. The sand-constructs have not been fully made, for they cannot endure the final testing that comes at the end of the creative process, the one that asks if Yahweh really ordained this creation. The constructs made of rock are Reality. They have fully completed the process of creation by being subjected to the fire and shown to be in line with Yahweh's heart. 

So how can we discern Reality from Illusion? 

Obviously Holy Spirit has to help us with this one. Some instances are clear: sickness and death are never of Yahweh. Other instances are less so. Holy Spirit will help you test your castle. Like the Wind, He will blow against your construct (of sand or rock) and show you if your castle can stand.

If a storm comes and your castle falls, it's clearly made of sand. However, if the storm comes and your castle stands, it is made of rock. Indeed, are not sedimentary rocks simply sand that withstood pressure that was applied to it? In this case, the testing made it stronger, which is what testing does to Reality.

All constructions, whether castles or Words or your life, are subjected to pressure and testing. If you are wise and have constructed Reality in partnership with Holy Spirit, you will find that it not only endures the storm and testing, but becomes stronger because of it. If, however, illusion is built, it will only fade and fall away. 

This is why the scriptures say to test the spirits. It doesn't necessarily mean just the spirits. Test your beliefs. Test your Reality. If it is One with Yahshua--Truth Himself--then it will stand. 


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