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The Seven Views of Time: Infinite Points on a Linear Plane

The first three views of time that I described in earlier posts--Linear Time, Circular Time, and Spiracular Time--are the easiest to understand because all of these are procedural, process time. What I mean by that is they have order and processes in which things grow and become. First, second, third... past, present, and future. There are also clearly delineated paths upon which you travel through time in these views.

The next three views of time about which I will share are what I call eternal views of time. This will be harder to wrap the mind around because in eternity, everything is always. What has been has always been and always will be, even created beings like us. Yet, we are definitely created beings, and there definitely was a Beginning, so how is that possible?

In order to create, Yahweh had to create procedural, process time. To do that, He veiled the eternal from us for a while so that we could see and experience our own growth and creation... so that we could become. However, Yahweh is revealing the mystery even now, and the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. We are now able to traverse the veils at will, for He opened the paths to us. We can operate in all Seven Views of Time and bring our awareness to everything that is. We are learning to do so even now.

The fourth view of time is what I call Infinite Points on a Linear Plane. I know, a linear plane is two-dimensional and Yahweh is omni-dimensional, but for ease of understanding, Yahweh reveals Himself a little at a time.

Imagine a sheet of paper with an infinite number of dots on it. Each dot is a moment in time, a point in time. Traditionally, we have accessed these dots in a linear fashion, moving forward on a line from one point to the next. We've figured out how to measure these points out in seconds, minutes, and hours. I have also shared how we can access these dots in a circular fashion--moving in a circle from one point to the next to knit it together, or widening the circle to access different points. We can also access these dots in a spiral, moving forward or backward along the line by taking a path outside of the line to get to previous points to bring redemption or future points to bring resources. Remember, this is how Abraham moved thousands of years into his future to by faith receive the Reality of the cross. Yet, if we can move outside of the line in spirals, where are we moving to when we move off of the line? That's where the Linear Plane comes in. It's always there, all points in time and possibility, both on and off of our time lines.

For the Infinite Points on a Linear Plane view of time, we must remove the paths altogether. Yahweh wants us to be masters of time, not mastered by time, and so we ought to be able to access any point on the plane at any time. We ought to be able to move from one point to another point without having to travel in lines or spirals or circles. The entire Plane is open to us, we must simply access it.

It is important to note that every view of time is happening at once and always will be. Some traditional views of eternity show us traveling forward on an infinite time line. This is true, for we will always have Linear Time. We will also always be growing and knitting points together in Circular Time, by faith attaining more than we knew before. Spiral Time, too, will last forever. All of these views of time come together in the last three views of time, which I will share in later posts. The Linear Plane is our first glimpse of eternity. It goes on forever; it always has and always will.

For now, it is important to remember the four views of time that we have so far. The three process views of time are Linear, Circular, and Spiracular. There are three eternal views of time, of which we now know Infinite Points on a Linear Plane. The Seventh View of Time ties all of these together. Stay tuned to learn more!


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