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Where You Put Your Faith

Yahweh is all that there is!

As you can imagine, it would be nice for this Reality to be the only thing that we see, experience, and know. I have long wanted the physical manifestation of this Truth that there is nothing but Yahweh.

Really, that's not the right way to say it. Heaven and Earth are One. This means that what is spiritual is also literally physical. Some things are afar off, others closer, but I do know that everything I see in the Spirit Realm is also literal and tangible on the Earth in the physical. I guess what I have long wanted is the ability to manipulate creation at will to manifest what I know to be the Truth.

Naturally, I have sought Yahweh about this question. If Yahweh is all that there is, why do I experience sickness? If Yahweh is all that there is, what was WWII all about? If Yahweh is all that there is, how do some of my students not have enough to eat?

Every time I press into this question, I receive more answers. A few posts ago, I wrote about the molecules of Illusion and the molecules of Reality. In that post, I described a house made of sand that was never supposed to be made of sand. These grains of sand were always supposed to be in the form of a rocket ship. Yahweh had told me that if I focus on removing the Illusion, I will waste time and effort. I will be frustrated, and even if I succeed, I will have only removed an Illusion. I won't have built Reality. So, He said, focus on building Reality and the molecules in the Illusion will leave their form to create Reality and the Illusion will cease to have ever been. (Due to the simultaneous nature of everything.)

Pressing deeper into that has led me to this revelation. It's not even enough to ignore the Illusion and focus on Reality.

I have spent so many years fighting the fight of faith. In this process, you receive a Promise from Yahweh in your heart and you hold tightly to this Promise no matter what as the storms of Illusion, the worries of life, and the voices of the ignorant all scream at you that you should give it up. This faith has a reward... at some point the Illusion ceases and you have your Reality. I hold many Promises in my hand today that were forged in this kind of fire. Yet, there is a New and Living Way.

The way of holding on to Reality no matter what is even more painful than it sounds. Many of you who are reading this blog will be familiar with this process, so you know. But Yahweh doesn't want us to have pain and suffering. He does not require us to go through that Hell to receive our Promise. Indeed, He completed and established everything in that Promise before He even made us.

Instead, we must "lay down our lives," a phrase I hate to use because of the religious connotations that surround it. What it Really means is that we must not only let go of the Illusion, choosing to ignore it except when Holy Spirit gives us an act of obedience regarding it and trusting Him to take care of it, but we must also let go of Reality. In this process, we let go completely of the Illusion AND of the Promise that He's given us.

I know. It's scary. Let go of the Promise!? But that's what has sustained you all along in the past! But old ways will not work anymore, and Yahweh has something better for you. It is when you give Him back His Promise that He can give you the Finished Work. It is when you trust Him enough to let the molecules of Reality and the molecules of Illusion mix together and you still know you're going to be okay. It is when you grow exponentially in your trust in Him. He will judge righteous judgement, separating Reality from Illusion and giving you Reality.

Long have we thought that we must hold the framing of Reality together. If my Promise is to be healthy, I must make that happen by my eating choices, sleep habits, and exercise regimen. If my Promise is to be wealthy, I must believe that Promise in faith while making subsequent choices of saving and wise investments. I must hold on to that Promise no matter how many times the economy shifts or what troubles and testing befall me. NO!

No, to receive the Promise I must let it go, for that is the Kingdom way. As I focus not on what I am receiving, I stop putting my faith in the Promise and start putting my faith in Yahweh. I learn Him and His Heart, and I begin to resonate with His frequency. I forget the Promise and the Illusion and I see only Him...

And then I realize that He is my Promise and I am His, and that we are One... and all of creation's resonant molecules dance around us exactly as they were supposed to all along, free to be the Promise and Reality now that I am not, with my rigid effort and striving to be righteous, holding them in place. I am simply being who I am, One with who He is.

And Yahweh is all that there is.


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