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My Rapture

Some Will Call It Miracles

Some will call it miracles
When Reality is seen,
When all comes to the fullness that’s
Beyond our wildest dreams

Some will call it faithfulness
When manifestation’s known
When all that you hold in your hand
Is the blessing fully grown

Some will call it beautiful,
Some will know it as divine,
But I will know my Father’s Heart
And that this is truly mine

For some will call it glory
And expect it from above,
But this is my Life’s story

And I choose to call it Love.

As I said before, I don't usually start my blog posts with a poem, but certain things lend themselves to each other. This was just too perfect. 

It has come to the fullness of the course of time for a wondrous moment that all can see. This moment is not limited or relegated to anything, but as it is here we should take advantage of it. A beautiful season of Yahweh has come, staring with the Eclipse on Monday and continuing through the Hebrew month of Elul, or repentance, and the Fall Feasts of Trumpets, Atonement, and Tabernacles. 

There is an opportunity here for those who have ears to hear. Listen to what the Spirit says to your own heart. I will share what is on mine.

Last year during the Fall Feasts, I was Raptured. This event happened on October 1, 2016, and I find it strange to be able to mark an event in time when it happened in eternity... but time is in eternity and eternity in time! Before we go any further, I must talk about what the Rapture is, lest you wonder how I can tell you that I was Raptured even while sitting in my living room writing a blog. 

The Rapture has long been foretold as a great and wondrous event that would occur before the Tribulation when Christ would snatch His Bride out of the Earth and into the Heavens in order that the wrath He would visit upon the rest of the world not harm them in any way. Books like The Left Behind series and The Last Jihad portray the Rapture and apocalypse in such a way, and they tell a great story. 

But that's all that it is, a story. 

Yahweh is not a God of destruction, and He has never allowed one thing to be destroyed. We, in our limited sight, have called things "dead" or "destroyed" because we can no longer see them or because we do not understand the layers of infinite Reality in which we live. But in Yahweh there is no such thing as destruction, and I truly believe that Yahweh is all that there is.

So if He is not going to destroy the world in a great, terrifying apocalypse and snatch His church out of the air to live in a New Jerusalem city after partaking of the Marriage Supper and reigning a thousand years, what is going to happen?

What has been called the "apocalypse" or "end of the world" is really a shifting in the Pattern of Yahweh's Divine Dance. In other words, we will change direction as we move with Him throughout the infinite-eternal aeons that we inhabit together. Yahweh will interact with and deal with us differently in some ways, but His Reality is still all that there is and He is still Him. 

In order to move on with Him in this new and living way, we must let go of what we knew to be in the Age Before. It's a New Age, the Kingdom Age, the Age of Awe and Wonder, the time of the Bride. 

Yahweh is always moving, never stagnant, and we will always dance with Him throughout the aeons. If I weren't sure of this, I would have been very confused when I was Raptured and still sitting in my spare room listening to "Revelation Song" by Phillips, Craig, and Dean on a loop. 

My Rapture caused me to leave the illusion that Heaven and Earth were separate places. Instead of leaving the Earth to enter Heaven, as I had always supposed, I was very suddenly aware of my presence in Heaven even while I was on the Earth. It happened, oddly enough, while I was doing the dishes. 

It was a Saturday, and I had just emailed someone a poem when I thought that I should clean up the dishes from lunch. I was washing a pot in the sink and I began to talk to Yahweh. I told Him that I was so glad to be alive now, and that I would not rather have lived with Yahshua walked the Earth. I began to think that it was so wonderful to live during the Renaissance, or rebirth. 

I suddenly set the pot in the sink and began jumping up and down, my spirit within me resonating with that word. I kept saying, "It's the Renaissance!" I was suddenly ecstatic. (By ecstatic, I mean I was dancing around my entire house screaming, singing, and waving bells for most of the afternoon...) 

The "Revelation Song" began playing in my mind, and I had to turn my phone on to listen to it. Meanwhile, I began to think of things in the actual book of Revelation in the Bible. Holy Spirit led me to Revelation 21 and 22, and I knew that those promises were for me now. "The dwelling of Yahweh is with man." 

I knew suddenly that I was in Heaven, that I had always been in Heaven, though I had never seen it before. From that moment on, Heaven and Earth were One to me, just as they always have been in Reality, and I began to look at things in a new way. It was then that the Infinite Layers were shown to me, and it was shortly after this that I began to believe that we do not have to die. Since then I have seen many things about the cosmos and the ages and the spacetime continuum. Yahweh has drawn me ever deeper into Him. 

I have lived in Heaven ever since, though it does not look like I thought it would. There were some moments of consternation due to this fact, but at the same time I could not deny where I was. I continued to trust Yahweh and I can tell you that Heaven is much better than I ever thought possible. I will always continue to trust Yahweh and Heaven will only continue to be better. 

What I have learned since my Rapture is that life is nothing like what I thought it was. There is no need to struggle and strive and battle until we die and cross this great threshold into Heaven where all such things shall end. Yahshua finished it all before He really even began it, and everything is so much bigger than a "Heaven, Earth, Hell" mentality. Yahweh really is all that there is. 

And everyone can live in this here and now, in the course of their own relationship with Yahweh. Your Rapture will look different than mine, but it will be more glorious than you can describe. I cannot adequately describe how everything has changed for me since my Rapture. I can only tell you about it. Perhaps you've interacted with me and been able to witness it.

The more I grow in Yahweh, the more I recognize the Promises that He has for me. I have partaken of the Marriage Supper of the Lamb and am beginning to reign with Him, though I'd hardly limit it to a thousand years. 

I will always continue to grow in Yahweh, for Heaven is not some great cosmic finish line. Instead, it is the place where all existence is, and as Yahweh is ever increasing (Isaiah 9:7), we will constantly be growing and discovering more of Him and of this place in which we live. This is one of the things I found surprising about Heaven.

So why am I telling you this? What am I saying? I am simply letting you know what is available to you. Yet, as with all things, you cannot take my relationship-revelation and make it yours, nor would I ask you to. Holy Spirit can lead you into Rapture. You just have to trust Him and let go of what you thought you knew, for this is a New Age, a New Era, and it is perfect today in its time. 


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