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The Veil and the Covering

Yahweh is so multifaceted! He exists in various times and in various ways, and He is constantly speaking. We know that Yahweh is Light, and this Light that He is is our Life.

Light is beauty, it's frequency; it's motion and it's matter. It comes in many forms. The fullness of Light that we have yet seen is white light, and it contains within it every color both known and unknown. Then we can see the actual colors, and light can be filtered. We can see red light and blue light and yellow light.

Each of these facets of Light is Yahweh. The white light must be filtered, must be hidden in a certain time and place so that we can see the other facets of light, the colors... the rainbow! Yet, how can Yahweh hide Himself as White Light from us? And how can He share Himself as Purple Light lest He hide some aspects of Himself?

Thus He established the Veil. In the great expanse of Infinite-Eternity, He set up many Veils so that we could not see so much that we fail to see at all. Like missing the forest for the trees--or perhaps like missing the trees for the forest--we can become so awed and overwhelmed with the White Light that we fail to appreciate Green Light or Blue Light, even though both of these colors must exist within the White Light for it to truly be white.

Yahweh wants us to know every facet and detail of Him, and not just in the general awareness of existence. He wants to share each of these facets and details in intimacy. He wants us to marry Him in Purple as we married Him in White. We shall be the multifaceted Bride of Christ!

The Veil is a beautiful thing, for are not colors beautiful? Our ability to see and know Yahweh is only increased by the Veil, for even as we are behind it, we have not lost anything. We are still married to the White Light and we still know Yahweh there.

Yet sometimes, in illusions in our minds, we can associate the Veil with pain. We do this because of imaginary coverings that we sewed onto the Veil as certain facets of Yahweh were hidden from us. For example, when Yahweh hid "joy" from me in order to show me other facets of Himself, I imagined "depression" or "sadness" or "lack" upon that Veil. Thus in my mind I created a covering and an illusion.

I connected this covering so closely to the Veil that every time I would even sense a Veil coming before me, I would cringe and shy away. Though the Veil was beautiful and would teach me more of Yahweh, I did not want to experience it or go through it because I knew it would bring me heartache and pain.

But the Veil never brought me heartache and pain. The Veil only brought me Yahweh.

The heartache and pain came from the illusion, from the covering I had imagined over the Veil. Just as a sun shining on a Real, solid object will cast a shadow, I created from the Real, beautiful Veil an insubstantial covering that, because I believed it to be as substantial as Yahweh, caused me pain. Yet even in the Veil there is a facet of Light, so how could there be shadow?

I will never move forward in Yahweh if I do not remove this covering, for there are infinite Veils. There are so many facets of Yahweh that we haven't explored yet, so many colors the eye has not yet seen! We will never run out of Veils.

And yet, none of these Veils have coverings if we can trust Yahweh, if we, in our minds, can let go of the need to know what's beyond the Veil and the feeling of loss that we associate with it and realize that Yahweh is all that there is and He is showing us more of Himself through the Veil. We can then embrace the Veil for what it Really is... or Who it Really is... Yahweh Himself.

Recently we had an eclipse. Over 90% of the sun was veiled from us in this eclipse, and yet where I live, the 8.5% of the sun that was left to us shone clearly as the day. We were warned that at no point during the eclipse, except the moment of totality, could we take our eclipse glasses off and look at the sun. And even in totality there was the light of the sun's atmosphere... the corona. The corona that we can never see unless the sun is Veiled for a time.

And the Son eclipsed in part still shines in full. And in every facet of Reality, Yahweh is all that there is.


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