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Receive the Pure Word In Its Time

The Old Testament is full of feast days, rituals, laws, and prophecies that point toward the coming Messiah. For centuries, the Jews practiced these laws and followed these rituals diligently, eagerly anticipating the Messiah-King who was to come. Yet, when He came, they did not recognize Him.

There are so many obvious references to Yahshua in the Psalms and prophetic books of the Old Testament. (Micah 5:2, Isaiah 9, Zechariah 12:10, Psalm 2, Psalm 110). The Passover feast clearly foretells slaying the Lamb for the innocent. The feast of Tabernacles foreshadows the dwelling that we enjoy with Yahweh as we are His Temples now.

Yet, because the Messiah did not look exactly as they had imagined Him to look, He was unrecognized.

There is another reason that Yahshua was not received as Messiah. Sometimes, when people get so used to setting their prophetic word out in front of them, of seeing it as a futuristic event of "someday when," they cannot see it when it is present with them. If you constantly see something as three steps ahead, then even when you've taken three steps it is still three steps ahead. People can spend their whole lives chasing their Reality this way.

Sometimes we have to allow ourselves to catch up to our own Reality.

When I received the manifestation of the Reality that I did not have clinical depression, it was the middle of the night. I had inverted my sleep cycle so that I could avoid the world and its responsibilities because they hurt me too much and I was so afraid to mess up. I was chatting with a friend online, and he had asked me a question. He asked me to say yes or no to something, though he would not tell me what.

When I asked him why he wanted this, he said he wanted to make sure that Yahweh wanted him to do something. I told him, "Sometimes people keep asking questions because they are afraid to take what Yahweh has already said and run with it." I realized then and there that I was talking to myself. I had been believing for months for my divine healing, and it had taken me years of growth toward this place to believe that Yahweh even healed in modern times. That moment, I knew it was in front of me, and I took it and ran.

It wasn't for another seven years--to the month--that I realized the greater depths of this, the fullness that I did not ever have depression at all. Full redemption and full Reality works backwards as well as forwards, and Yahweh is all that there is.

I wrote about the time I was Raptured a few posts ago. I'm going to tell you, I did not expect the Rapture to happen that way. I didn't expect to still be on the Earth when it happened. I didn't expect to see Veils in Heaven. I didn't expect to deal with things in my body like sickness or scraped knees. I didn't expect perfection to look like the process. Heaven did not look like what I thought it did, but I knew (and know) that I was there.

I could have rejected the manifestation of Reality because I did not think it was time for it. I could have ignored or not recognized it because it wasn't what I had always thought or imagined it to be.

Or I could embrace it fully trusting Yahweh to show me the complete vision of what I was only just beginning to see, trusting that the questions that I had would be answered in time. I had to let go of the expectations I placed around the Word that Yahweh had given me and receive the pure Word. I trust that what Yahweh has given me is deeply beyond what I imagined, and even better than I dreamed. I know there is always more of Him to discover, and that everything is already perfect in its time.

I love Reality and I love Heaven. It's so beautiful!

So I leave you with this challenging question: Are you willing to receive the Promise that Yahweh has for you in the here and now, even if it doesn't look like what you thought it would?


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