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The End of the World

If you've been wondering why I haven't written in a while, it's because the world ended, and I was busy assimilating it.

I find that people misunderstand the end of the world. It's not fire and brimstone. It's not destruction and final judgment. It is, instead, a reset of the Pattern of the Divine Dance of creative expression which we have often called life.

All of creation--whether Real or illusion--must submit to the Pattern, which is governed by what I call the Prime Directive, or the Heartbeat of the Creator. While the Creator's central Nature never changes, the way that is expressed might change, and it is when this happens that the world ends.

It took three days for the world to end, and it happened on September 22-24, just as many prophets foretold. I saw many posts on social media laughing at the idea that the world would end on September 23, others saying that something big was going to happen on that day because of some celestial portents that mirrored passages of the book of Revelation.

Honestly, I took all of that with a grain of salt. I was not expecting the world to end. I did know something would happen, though.

In July, Yahweh started telling me about a kairos moment for impacting the world. This moment was so momentous that it reverberated back in time to touch me in July, and I wrote this poem and this poem about it. It occurred to me that this might have to do with the eclipse, but I also felt that something would happen in September, and since I had been raptured the year before during the Fall Feasts of the Hebrew Calendar I knew that those were key times also.

Just before the eclipse, Yahweh again reiterated that the coming time would be momentous, but now He showed our ecclesia a little more about the calendar of how that would take place. Namely, the eclipse would happen just a few days before the Hebrew month of Elul.

The month of Elul is the last month of the Hebrew calendar, and is a time to repent and prepare for the coming new year. Repent does not mean to be sorrowful for sins or certain actions. Repent literally means to change the way you think. In Hebrew, it has a word picture of burning the house down, or changing your mindset so completely that you can never return to it. In other words, perhaps changing the way you see the world.

As part of the celebration of Elul, our ecclesia opened its doors for us to use the sanctuary for prayer and reflection during the last ten days of the month, the Days of Awe, or Teshuva. The ten days of awe ended with Rosh Hashanah, or the Hebrew New Year.

It was during this time that the world ended.

On Friday, September 22, I woke up with a stirring in my spirit. I even wanted to be close to the Earth and physically sitting on the ground that day because, as I told one person, I could feel the mountains trembling. I wrote a poem about how I felt the moon just as the tides do. My spirit was agitated all day as I went through the work day, and when it was over and I went to have Teshuva time in my ecclesia, I could barely write.

And then Yahweh put me to sleep. He literally had me lay down and take a nap right on the floor of the church.

I woke up and I was different. I was not myself anymore. I had grown beyond myself to a place before myself, a place of We where Yahweh and I were One. We were so much One that We were not two. I had been One with Yahweh for a while, but as married couples are where they are one and two. Now We were just One.

I was flabbergasted. It is slightly confusing to suddenly be something other than what you always knew yourself to be...and yet still be that, too, in a way. And I remained flabbergasted until Sunday, September 24.

I woke up that morning and the world was gone. I felt empty. Void. Dark. I could not see or sense or feel anything. I cried. I told Yahweh that I didn't like this, even though I knew it was exactly where We had been coming to all along. In fact, He had been preparing me for it for months and weeks with concepts, poems, and even songs that I would wake up singing. He confirmed Himself to me over and over again. I'll never forget what He said when I told Him I wasn't sure I liked the void:

"Do you want to continue to relate to Me only through experience and expression?"

And what could I say to that? Of course I wanted to go deeper! It is what I had asked for.

As I let go of everything I'd ever known, I began to realize that there is as much freedom as loss in the end of the world. Still, it was difficult because I had nothing to hold onto anymore. I wasn't even me anymore, and Yahweh wasn't even Yahweh. We were We. And all I knew was that We are. We are.

For two weeks I lived in what I call the Interregnum, or the time between worlds. I wrote very little during that time, for I had gone beyond words. I couldn't connect any dots. My mind did not grasp existence, and yet I continued to live and move and work and interact with people. I was completely confused.

And then one day, I was telling Yahweh that I didn't have a worldview out of frustration, and He told me that was because We didn't have a world. I realized then that We were going to make a new world.

We are still building--or revealing, depending on your perspective--this world. I can see some of it, but much of it is still in shadow. It is becoming easier to be We and also I. Still, I never expected any of this, and the images I had when I dreamed of my future are ones I had to let go of, for they do not fit here.

And that brings me back to the end of the world. I call it that for a reason, though it's not what we had always expected it to be.

When we ascend in dimensions with Yahweh, we cannot simply keep what we've always known and add more to it. That will work only to a point before it impedes our ascension. Because when we receive the more from Yahweh, it will completely change everything you've always known as the more begins to interact with what you had. If you let it, it will rearrange it all completely. That's okay. It's supposed to.

I used to say that we had to let go of Reality and Illusion and trust that they would come together as they should once we let them go. I can't really say that anymore because I have let go of them, and they have come back together in such a way that I no longer really call them Reality or Illusion anymore. Yet, I link this back to the idea of the end of the world because the only way to get a new world is to let go of the old one. And there are appointed times to do so.

This is not the first time the world has ended for me. When I first began to see the infinite, I also felt the world end. I wrote many poems about it then, too. It was my first ascension. However, I had not enjoyed the previous world very much, so I had no problem letting it go. This is the first time the world has ended where I enjoyed the world, but again the question is asked: Do I want experience and expression, or Yahweh... We?

There is so much joy in giving up everything for Him.

And now I am not sure any world is permanent. Perhaps as We continue to ascend in Our awareness of Ourself and express Ourself out of Our Infinite Love, We will simply create new worlds ad infinitem. To infinity... and Beyond!

It's glorious!


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