Sometimes I feel like in society, we roam the Earth in packs, finding safety in numbers as we seek to protect ourselves from anyone who is different from us, from the "other."
Whether we group ourselves by race, religion, culture, philosophy, etc, many of us find emotional and psychological security in a tribe of some sort. We find this commonality that we decide is the most important trait of ourselves (or perhaps the one most in need of protection), we find others that have that same trait, and we form an impenetrable group, a tribe. This tribe will only let another in if they have that same trait. Sometimes the tribe is automatically closed to certain people because this trait is something that cannot be changed. Sometimes, though, this tribe touts its openness because anyone can become a member of this tribe... IF they convert, change their philosophy, adapt to a new culture, etc.
Because there is this feeling of safety that comes from being in a tribe, it is hard to step outside of the box and examine whether or not the foundation of the tribe is healthy. I think too often it is not. This is not because grouping yourselves with others is inherently unhealthy, but because if the foundation of your tribe's existence is to protect yourselves from those who are outside of the tribe or else get everyone outside of the tribe to become part of the tribe (thus nullifying their threat), that is unhealthy. Fear is not going to be a healthy foundation.
Additionally, the tribe itself should never be the foundation of a relationship. That is also going to be unhealthy. If you only love someone because they have certain things in common with you, do you really love them, or do you just love the things you have in common with them? What, then, happens if those things change? If that person should decide to stop believing what you believe, to move and adapt to a new culture, stop engaging in common activities? Or what if you are the one to grow and change? Will your relationship survive? Or was it only based on the tribe?
So then how do we group people healthfully? In this case, relationships are based on Love and the commonalities come second. I can meet a person, get to know and love them, and then realize that this person is interested in some of the same things I'm interested in. We can join in the same activities based on commonality knowing that our relationship is secure if that activity is no longer something we can both participate in. Or perhaps I meet someone while engaging in a commonality, but if our relationship is going to be healthy, it must deepen beyond simply liking the other person based on what I have in common with them.
And in no way will a healthy grouping exclude, denigrate, hate, or devalue anyone who is not part of that grouping.
Unfortunately, I've seen a lot of unhealthy tribalism. Modern politics is a huge example. Religion has been that way since the dawning of religion. It's all over the news and social media. It's so hard to deal with tribalism because tribalism makes you feel attacked for being who you are. This actually promotes more insular tribalism because whenever you feel attacked, you want to go to your tribe and fight back or at least feel safe again among "your people." There are certain things I find it frightening to discuss with certain groups of people because I know they will attack me because I "cannot understand" since I'm not part of their tribe. Or sometimes I'll watch something on the news that is happening hundreds or thousands of miles away and I'll feel attacked because one group is attacking another group with which I have identified. I know that I am personally working on identifying less with a tribe and being more free to be myself and love beyond the box of tribalism.
But I do believe there are healthy ways to have relationships and healthy ways to do so with large groups of people. These Elohim relationships are ones built on the foundation of unconditional Love and ones which will not end in betrayal and exclusion should people grow and change. They will not include hatred and denigration of those who are not in the group. They will continually grow, expand, and express Love. This I have hope for. This I believe.
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