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Showing posts from July, 2017

The Seven Views of Time: Infinite Points on a Linear Plane

The first three views of time that I described in earlier posts--Linear Time, Circular Time, and Spiracular Time--are the easiest to understand because all of these are procedural, process time. What I mean by that is they have order and processes in which things grow and become. First, second, third... past, present, and future. There are also clearly delineated paths upon which you travel through time in these views. The next three views of time about which I will share are what I call eternal views of time. This will be harder to wrap the mind around because in eternity, everything is always. What has been has always been and always will be, even created beings like us. Yet, we are definitely created beings, and there definitely was a Beginning, so how is that possible? In order to create, Yahweh had to create procedural, process time. To do that, He veiled the eternal from us for a while so that we could see and experience our own growth and creation... so that we could become....

Expanding Our Horizons

I just found out that there is an entire group of people out there in the 21st Century who truly believe that the Earth is flat. I mean, we all knew that was the theory once upon a time, and observation seems to indicate that the Earth is flat... I seem to live on what's more or less a plane and other than hills and mountains, the "flat" nature of my plane doesn't seem to change. When I drive across country or fly over the ocean, I don't see any big circles or spheres. It all seems linear to me. People who believe that the Earth is flat are basing their beliefs only on what they can see and experience. They use a scientific method called The Zetetic Method, which relies heavily on sensory observations and draws conclusions on experiments based on the experiment itself instead of designing an experiment to prove a theory or hypothesis as the Scientific Method does. Of course, modern science seems to have disproven the planar view of the world. We are able to ...

Where You Put Your Faith

Yahweh is all that there is! As you can imagine, it would be nice for this Reality to be the only thing that we see, experience, and know. I have long wanted the physical manifestation of this Truth that there is nothing but Yahweh. Really, that's not the right way to say it. Heaven and Earth are One. This means that what is spiritual is also literally physical. Some things are afar off, others closer, but I do know that everything I see in the Spirit Realm is also literal and tangible on the Earth in the physical. I guess what I have long wanted is the ability to manipulate creation at will to manifest what I know to be the Truth. Naturally, I have sought Yahweh about this question. If Yahweh is all that there is, why do I experience sickness? If Yahweh is all that there is, what was WWII all about? If Yahweh is all that there is, how do some of my students not have enough to eat? Every time I press into this question, I receive more answers. A few posts ago, I wrote about...

We Do Not Have to Die

One thing I like to do is examine Scripture as New Wine. Of course, to receive New Wine, you must have New Wineskins. For years we've read Scripture through an Old Wineskin mentality. We believed what we were taught by well-meaning people who also had Old Wineskin mentalities. This Old Wineskin mentality is religion. Religion is all well and good... except that it keeps you from receiving the full Promise of Yahweh because it keeps you one step removed from total relationship with Him. Guilt, condemnation, and the idea that you have to make yourself good enough to relate to Him will never bring you the New Wine that Yahshua Promised when He gave us Himself. There can be no vestiges of Old Wineskin mentalities left in our minds as we pursue the full relationship with Yahweh that Yahshua Promised us in the New Covenant. It is for this reason that I like to examine Scriptures with Holy Spirit's New Wineskin... the Mind of Christ. These verses all pertain to one particular ...

The Seven Planes of Existence: The Process of Relation

As I grow with Yahweh, some things become deeper revelations. They grow and expand to include greater viewpoints. For example, if you have a three dimensional die cube on the table and you are looking at it from above, you see the top of the cube and certain angles of the side. However, if you look at it from the side, you have a completely different perspective. Neither of these are wrong. One person might say that they see a six. Another might say that they see a three. The die has a six on it and a three. Both are true. There are some things that are not true; a traditional die does not have a 27 on it, for example. However, I trust that Yahweh will not show me things that are not true. Yahweh has shown me the Seven Planes of Existence in the process of Creation, but now He has also shown me that we go through the Seven Planes in process of relating to Him. To review, the Seven Planes are called: Yellow-The Revelation Plane Orange-The Observation Plane Red- The Creation Plan...

Faith as Small as a Mustard Seed

Yahweh is all that there is. Thus, He is Reality. Anything that is contrary to Him or His Nature can never be, whether or not we seem to experience it. Then why do we experience it? I have been asking this question for seven months, now, and I have various answers that I will not go into here. The short answer is: we don't. That's why I call it an illusion. It seems Real, but it isn't. The longer answer is, in the course of linear, circular, and spiracular time, we find ourselves in the process of creation. Until we pass through the Questioning Plane and Joining Plane, we do not have our Reality in a fixed form. We are able, then, to contemplate illusion--that which could never be. In this case, we can see the atoms and molecules of existence arranged in a form that is not Reality and we can think we are experiencing this, even though in the Unity of All Things view of time, when all things are One in Yahweh, this is impossible. Atoms and molecules are held in place b...

The Seven Planes of Existence (Part II): The Process of Creation

Remember: Reality=Yahweh; Illusion = anything contrary to Him (it can never be!) Creation is a process that moves through all of the planes. This happens on a macro-cosmic scale--everything was created in this way! It also happens with each and every Word for which you are believing in faith.  The order of the process of creation actually begins in the  Revelation Plane , for faith is the essential element of creation. Hebrews 11:1 calls faith the "substance of things hoped for" and the "evidence of things not seen." Evidence, etymologically, means "vision," and so we can call faith the seeing of the unseen. The Revelation Plane contains the Finished Work... all that was and is and is to come. In yellow, the Revelation Plane, we see the Finished Work of Reality and then set about creating it. By our observation, we change it. Thus moving it into the  Observation Plane , which is where we examine it closely and learn much about it. I do not know as...

The Seven Planes of Existence (Part I)

There is a reason that Yahweh used the rainbow to symbolize His Promise to Noah that He would never again flood the Earth. The rainbow is a representation of existence, the Promise in which we all live. Each of the colors of the rainbow is a different plane which we inhabit as Unity with Yahweh. Yahweh is Light. In His form as White Light, He is utterly beautiful and captivating. I've seen Him like a galaxy of white, with opalescent sheens and brilliant stars within that whiteness emanating their own brilliant glory. Yet, the White Light is rather overawing sometimes and it can be difficult, when all things are One, to see the nuances and facets of Him. Thus He created the prism and the rainbow. In examining Him one color at a time, we can see details about Him that we might otherwise miss, and thus we can know Him more fully by knowing Him in perceived partiality. I say perceived partiality because we can never forget the Oneness and the White Light even as we examine the va...

Stupid Things Religion Says

Sometimes I put things out there to get people thinking, so consider these things we've been told all of our lives by legalism and religion: 1) "You're a triune being (spirit, soul, and body), except that at some point you'll lop of a third of you and move on!" 2) "All of those verses that say if you believe in Yahshua you 'shall not perish' or 'never see death' really mean you'll die and then after that  you'll live forever." 3) "Yahweh is sovereign in all things, except for you. You're really the big honcho here! The reason? Freewill! That's right! Somehow your freewill is going to stop Yahweh's Word from coming to pass. That verse about His Word never returning void? Psshhht. Must've been a typo." 4) "Yahweh loves you completely, and it's not based on works... except if you don't choose him during the brief span of eternity you spend on this Earth! Then it's fire and brimstone:...

Rearranging the Molecules to Form Reality

Illusion is like a sandcastle. It has no staying power, no true form or substance. Each piece of sand is an individual grain arranged in a form that cannot really be. If you look at existence as consisting of atoms or molecules, it can be truly amazing to see that there are forms walking around out there that cannot ever really exist. But what do you do when you see an illusory form, when sickness comes upon your body or you see the trappings of poverty all around you? Your first question must be, "Is this in my metron?" A metron is the place where Yahweh has given you all power and authority to judge. We all have different metrons, and to cross out of ours is to trespass. Your metron will include your being (mind/body), your family, your home and land, your job or business, and your ecclesia (church). If you are not sure where your metron is, ask Yahweh to show you. If you see illusion in someone else's metron, this is the time for intercession, for only they can k...

Rocks vs. Sand: Discerning Reality from Illusion

I keep saying that Yahweh is all that there is and that anything that isn't of Him isn't Real. You may well wonder, as I did, why we keep seeing things that aren't Real. Sickness, death, poverty, sadness... none of these are in line with Yahweh's order or character, so why do we perceive them? Some might say that we live in a fallen world, but did not Yahshua finish everything on the cross? (John 19:30). If we are to believe Him that it truly is finished, then we can return to His Reality right now. We do not have to wait until we die to go to Heaven. Indeed, we do not even have to die. (1 Corinthians 15:51, John 8:51, John 3:16, etc.)  If you just looked up those verses and rationalized away that they are talking about not dying after you die and go to Heaven (does that really make sense, though?), ask Holy Spirit to show you His Reality and judge it for yourself. I, personally, cannot now understand why Yahshua would say that anyone who keeps His Word would ne...